Monday, December 7, 2009

Why Am I Hungry?

Yet another epiphany on the body reconnection journey.

The course that I am taking focuses on Holistic Health. Nutrition is the foundation with additional attention paid to lifestyle in general. I thought of myself as a health food officianado. I was a Vegan from '84-'94 (sorta), a concious omnivore from '94-'99 and then, a food obsessed unconcious omivore pretending to be a concious one ('99 to present). I learned a lot and had no problem educating others on the finer points of avoiding whole categories of food. The funny thing is, I've managed to stay fat and sick the whole time!

So now, here I am doing my first assignment and the teacher says "IF YOU'RE HUNGRY ALL THE TIME YOU MUST BE UNDERNOURISHED." No freakin' way! But, dear readers it is true. Here is how I tested it. They asked me to add whole grains and more leafy greens to my daily diet. It stopped my cravings significantly and gave me energy to boot. I immediately wanted less animal protein and less carbs. Next, I added fresh fruit and more water. I was pretty full and although I didn't like having to run to the bathroom all the time, I can honestly say that I felt a whole lot better than I had in a while. I went from coffee to maybe one cup of tea from time to time. This was all a marked improvement.

The next step is to work on sustaining the lifestyle and to see how long the energy hangs on. For now, I'll take it a day at a time. I'm just happy to get through the day without being exhausted or caffeinated for most of it.


1 comment:

  1. "a food obsessed unconcious omnivore pretending to be a concious one" ... hahaha that's funny :P

    Isnt 2010 gonna be at great year! Seems like it's already working for you! Hope to connect at IIN! Classes start soon! Yay!

